Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Our Birth Story...

It's been a long time since my last post...9 weeks to be exact.  SB made her grand entrance to the world on Saturday, December 20th at 10:17pm.  She weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces and was 19 inches long.  Yes...that was before my due date...almost a month before it!  She was born at 36 weeks, 4 days and was perfectly healthy! 

I've been wanting to get my birth story up on here for several weeks now because I don't want to forget it...I want every detail documented for myself and for her when she's older.  So here we go!

Thursday, December 18
I've mentioned in previous posts that due to an anterior placenta, I didn't feel her move all the time.  It would make me nervous a lot, but she would always give me a kick or a nudge just in time to put my mind at ease.  Well, not this day!  This day she was silent...I hadn't felt her move since Wednesday night and by the end of the work day, I was a nervous wreck.  I decided to put my mind at ease and run up to L&D to be monitored.  They hooked me up, found the heartbeat right away, and got me set up to be monitored for at least an hour.  Now, on another side note, I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions pretty regularly since about 27 weeks.  But when they hooked me up, I was having very regular contractions that were clearly not Braxton Hicks.  BH contractions have no pattern to them.  But the ones I was having Thursday were very regular, and stronger than how BH ones would show up.  In fact, there were two other women in there trying to be in active labor, and my contractions were stronger and more regular than theirs!  They called my OB, Dr. A, and she told them to send me home to rest and drink plenty of water since I'd be back at her office the following Tuesday for a 37 week appointment and growth scan.  But the sweet nurse at the hospital said, "Honey, you're not going to make it to your due date with contractions like these.  I predict you'll have this baby within the week."  WHAT?!?!?!  I thought I had at least 3.5 more weeks to get things done!  First babies never come early!  So we left the hospital that night with a new sense of urgency to get things done.  Things like install the car seat base, pack my bag and her bag, finish the nursery (which was only about 60% done), deep clean the house, etc.  We decided that Sunday would be devoted to getting all these things done.

Friday, December 19
Did I mention how on Thursday the child didn't move?  On Friday, she moved like crazy!  Squirmed, kicked, rolled, punched, etc. All. Day. Long.  I have video of it!  She moved from the time I got up until the time I went to bed.  I worked that day knowing I needed to get all my loose ends tied up because in my mind, she'd likely be here around December 30th.  With the holidays, that meant I only had about 3 or 4 more work days left.  Jay was off work that night so we decided to get all of Christmas shopping totally done so we could enjoy the rest of the weekend.  We had his family's big Christmas in Scottsboro planned for the next night so we had a little mini date night with Dinner after shopping.  I should have known things were about to change, though...  I was more swollen than I had ever been during the whole pregnancy.  Not just a little puffy...full on edema.  You could push in on my ankles and pull your fingers away and see the imprint.  I joked that they looked like a tempurpedic mattress!  And they weren't going down when I got home and put them up.  But my BP was fine.  I went to bed early and decided to just sleep it off and get up the next morning ready to tackle the day!

Saturday, December 20
Jay had to work that morning from 9-1 so I was excited to have the morning to myself at home.  I had plans to pick up the house, wrap our Christmas purchases from the night before, work in SB's room, wash some of her clothes...just a list of little things for the day.  I drank some coffee (decaf) in bed and watched a little Bravo from 8:00 to about 9:15.  Got up to use the bathroom.  And it happened.  I was leaning forward to wipe (TMI, sorry) and I was peeing again.  A lot.  Like a whoosh of a ton of it.  So I sat back down thankful I hadn't peed my pants and it had gone in the toilet.  But I realized it wasn't stopping...I couldn't stop it.  It was just pouring out (TMI again, sorry).  And it hit me...my water just broke.  MY WATER JUST BROKE!!!  Oh my gosh - we're having a baby!  TODAY!  I stayed sitting and went through my mental checklist on what to do (relatively calmly I might add).  Pad - I need a pad (OK, so let's just agree that there will be several more TMI moments in this post, which will be long.  So if you're even still reading, you've been warned!).  But I have to get to the closet to get the pad.  So I grab a towel (yes, it was THAT much fluid), stuff it between my legs, and waddle to the master bathroom to get a pad and my phone (at this point I still haven't told Jay).  I thought when your water broke it was just a small rush of fluid and that's it, you're done.  Oh, no.  Your body continually replaces the fluid.  And it's more of a giant waterfall of a gush every time you bend or move.  I get to my phone first and call Jay.  Here's how that convo went:
Me:  Hey, babe?  Uh...my water just broke.  I'm in labor...
Jay:  Are you sure?
Me:  Unless I've been peeing non-stop for 5 minutes now, yes, I'm sure.
Jay:  Do I need to come get you to go to the hospital?
Me:  Um...YES!

At this point I am positive there is no way I can get a pad on by myself so I just stand there with a towel between my legs waiting on Jay to drive the 6 minutes home from work.  In the meantime, I decide to call my parents and sister.  My parents were in Rome (GA, not Italy, duh) to help move my sister into a new house.  So my sister answers my mom's phone:
Me:  Hey, guess what?  My water just broke.  I'm in labor - we're having a baby!
Sarah:  Holy $#!%.  Mom?  Elizabeth's water just broke.
Mom (in the back ground):  WHAT?!?!?
Mom (grabs the phone):  Oh my gosh, are you sure?
Me:  Yes!  Why does everyone keep asking me this?  Jay is on his way home to get me.
Mom:  OK, your daddy and I are heading home to get packed.  We'll see you in a few hours.  Your sister is going to go ahead and leave in an hour.  Call me when you get to the hospital.

Jay finally gets home, sees the towel (which is now soaked) and I think it hits him that this is really happening.  Bless his heart, he helps me into a pad, which I now realize after soaking through a towel is going to be about as effective as trying to stop a waterfall with a cotton ball, loads me up into the car and away we go!  Hey - I've noticed that while sitting, there does not seem to be fluid coming out anymore.  Maybe it's done?  Hooray!  We live about 5 miles from the hospital I had chosen to deliver at so on the way, we call the OBs answering service and leave a message.  We pull up to the door and Jay lets me out to head on up while he parks.  Guess what?  I was wrong about the fluid stopping.  Very, very wrong.  The moment I stood, it was like the flood gates opened.  That pad was worthless.  I made it in the lobby, onto the elevator, up to the second floor and to the maternity ward doors.  This particular hospital is a private hospital with strict security.  You have to pick up a little phone and tell the nurses at the desk why you're there and they buzz you in.  They normally pick up the phone with 1-2 rings.  That day?  It rang about 10-12 times before someone finally picked up!  At this point, I'm literally standing in a puddle of water.  After I've left a trail from the lobby all the way up there.  Sorry about the mess, Crestwood Medical Center!  I get buzzed in and am greeted by a calm nurse who confirm with one look that I am, in fact, in labor.  At least he didn't ask me if I was "sure".

They get me hooked up and I'm having regular contractions, but I'm not really feeling them.  Baby's HR is great, my BP is good, and we're off and running!  They check for dilation and I'm at a 1.  Really?  After contracting since at least Thursday and my water breaking, I'm only at a 1?  Ugh.  So they call Dr. A who is not the doctor on call that weekend, but she's actually at the hospital that morning anyway performing a surgery.  She comes in to see me after she's done and tells me the wonderful news that she plans to deliver me, even though she's not on call.  THANK YOU, Dr. A!  She also says she's going to help us speed things up, but to not really expect a baby until sometime tomorrow morning.  Hello, pitocin. 

The funny thing about pitocin is, you go from "hey, this labor thing is pretty fun!" to "Well, that escalated quickly."  They upped the pitocin every 15 minutes and while I felt the contractions getting stronger, they really weren't that bad.  It started like barely noticeable period cramps and just slowly got stronger.  But they stayed very tolerable for at least a few hours.  They started to get annoying around 2:00 that afternoon, but my parents were close.  I knew there was a synthetic morphine I could have in my IV until I decided I was ready for the epidural, but I wanted to wait until my parents got there so I was completely alert.  During all that time from when we got to the hospital around 9:45 until my parents got there at 3:00 I was talking to people on my phone, talking to Jay and his family and my aunt, putting on makeup (yes, makeup - hey, I arrived in ratty old pajamas), playing games on my phone, watching TV and devouring orange popsicles.  I hadn't had breakfast yet when my water broke and you can't eat while in labor in case you have to have a c-section so I was STARVING pretty much the whole time.  When mom and dad got there, I talked to them for a little bit and then got the morphine.  Hindsight 20/20, it didn't do much more than take the edge off. 

By about 5:30 the contractions went from "painful, but I can breathe through them" to "holy hell, I swear this baby is cutting her own way out of me".  Things went downhill in the pain department that quickly.  But I wanted to wait until 5cm to get the epidural because I had heard horror stories about it wearing off on one side or wearing off all together.  And last they had checked me I was at about 3cm.  So I soldiered on and left a wake of carnage in my path including saying horrible words to Jay, my mom, his mom, the nurses, and anyone else in my path.  Finally, at 7:00 the nurse said, "are you sure you're not ready for the epidural?  It will take the anesthesiologist about an hour to get here and get it all ready..."  I'm sorry, what??  REALLY?  You mean he isn't just here, waiting?  GET. HIM. HERE. NOW.  I didn't care anymore.  I know in reality I had only been truly hurting about an hour and a half.  But it was horrible pain and my contractions were 1 minute apart so as soon as I'd come off one, the next one was already building so I wasn't even getting relief between contractions.  And I could no longer talk through them.  I was on my side and would just squeeze the rail as hard as I could.  By the time the anesthesiologist got there about 7:45, I was in no way able to sit up for it.  He had to do it with me laying on my side.  Prior to going into labor, the epidural was one of my biggest fears (along with tearing and pooping while pushing).  Truth be told, the epidural was a piece of cake.  The hardest part was having to be still during contractions.  He numbed me up really good with lidocaine first so when he actually put the epidural catheter in, all I felt was a little bit of pressure.  And just like that, it was done.  And I could tell within minutes that the contractions were not as painful.  Within 15 minutes I couldn't even tell if I was having one...we only knew by the monitor.  Ladies, get the epidural!  Seriously!  I regret waiting as long as I did.  I am terrified of needles to the point where I fainted when I got my ears pierced, but this was easy as could be.  I didn't have to suffer!

Once it had kicked in, they checked me again.  "OK, you're at a 9 - it's time to start pushing!"  I remember saying, "What?  You mean I don't even get a nap?"  So everyone was ushered out except Jay.  Jay had one leg and Dan'l my male nurse (yes, male nurse - never thought I would be OK with this but he was seriously the best nurse in the world!) had the other.  He instructed me to grab my legs, lean forward, and push.  So I did.  Or I tried.  "I can't find my legs."  "Am I pushing?"  "I can't lean forward...my boobs are numb."  "Uh...I need help."  All things muttered in the next 5 minutes.  So we got my mom and sister in there to help.  And help they did!  They would help sit me up each time I had to push.  I still couldn't tell if I was pushing or not because I literally felt nothing, but they assured me I was.  I still remember vivid details of this time.  I remember my mom looking and seeing her crowning and being excited that she had hair.  I remember Dr. A finally getting there and thanking me for it not  happening at 3:00am.  I remember pushing for only about 30 minutes or so total and only about 2 or 3 times for the doctor before she told me to stop pushing.  "Stop pushing?  Why?" and before she could answer, my beautiful baby was on my chest, screaming her sweet little head off.  I was in total shock...awe...and love.  She was here!  She was beautiful!  The next 20 minutes were so surreal, but yet so vivid.  I remember they immediately got her skin to skin with me while they were wiping her down.  We tried to nurse, but she wasn't having it (and that would become a source of strife for the next three days).  I remember Jay getting to cut the cord.  I remember them having to massage my stomach because the placenta didn't want to detach since it was still early.  I remember the sound of delivering the placenta.  I remember cradling and loving on my new baby while also watching my doctor stitch me up (two little stitches for a second degree tear).  I remember my heart exploding as I watched Jay hold her for the first time and the two of them looking into each other's eyes.  I remember saying to her, over and over, that I was her mama and had waiting for a long time for her.  I remember mom, Dr. A and I debating on what we thought she would weigh and all being shocked at how big she was for how early she was.  I remember the flood of visitors coming in once I was cleaned up.  I remember being thankful I was still 100% numb from the boobs down.  And I remember being STARVING!

Our family and loved ones stayed and passed her around for a while.  And then suddenly, it was just the three of us (plus Dan'l the male nurse).  They got us moved down the hall to a (huge) room and Jay and I just looked at each other in disbelief.  Our lives were changed forever.  And it was the best change in the world!

Looking back, I had an amazing labor and delivery.  Except for that hour and a half where I was in extreme pain, it was all very tolerable.  Crestwood was an incredibly calm and soothing place.  I was the only one in labor and the only one there.  I had amazing one-on-one attention and the nurses were outstanding.  Kind, reassuring, and very capable.  God took care of us that day and has done that very thing for the past 9 weeks.  I can't believe I have an 8 week old who will be 2 months old on Friday.  WOW!  Some days it feels like yesterday and other days I can't remember life without her.  We've had ups and downs as all new parents do.  We love her more than we ever thought possible. 

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..."  Psalm 139:14

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Whirlwind of Weeks

I can't believe it has been 5 weeks since I last posted.  I fell behind, but I have good excuses, I promise!

So way back when...on November 12 (the day after my last post), my dad was in Memphis for work.  He woke up that morning to put on his exercise clothes and had all the symptoms of a heart attack (he's had two others, so he knows what the symptoms are).  He knew exactly what it was and actually took himself to the hospital!  Crazy!  They caught it early and did a stint in the artery that was 100% blocked.  However, the cardiologist in Memphis told him his arteries were heavily blocked and he needed to see an expert ASAP.  So that following Tuesday, the 18th, my parents managed to get him an appointment at Emory University Hospital.  Side note:  this place is incredible!  If you ever have anything major wrong, this is the place to go.  They met with the chief of cardiothoracic surgery who determined he needed 5-6 bypasses done sooner rather than later.  So, the following Monday, 11/24 (Monday of Thanksgiving week), my dad had quintuple bypass surgery.  The surgery was a success and he's on the mend!  Yesterday was 3 weeks removed from surgery and he gets more energy back every day and is doing so well.  We're thankful to God that the heart attack in Memphis caught this problem...otherwise, he would have been a ticking time bomb and things could have been much worse.  This was all in God's plan to get him healthy for a grand baby!  :) 

So with all that said, you see how the past 5 weeks have been insane for us.  We spent two weekends in Atlanta (the weekend before his surgery and then the weekend after as well) and have spent lots of time working on the nursery and getting ready for this sweet baby girl to join our family.  Still can't do a nursery reveal since we're missing a few things, but hopefully soon!

I had my 36 weeks appointment today, which is the start of weekly appointments at the doctor.  It is just insane to me how quickly all this time has gone.  I remember back in May, when we first found that precious heartbeat on the ultrasound, thinking January felt eons away.  Well, now it is here!  Here is what we learned at the doctor:
•  I tested positive for GBS (Group B Strep).  I won't go into details of this, and you can Google it (although Google makes it worse than it is...always).  I was kind of bummed to learn about this, but the doctor reassured me 25% of women have it.  You either have it or you don't.  You don't "catch" it and it doesn't mean you have the cooties or are dirty or anything like that.  It is just a natural bacteria in the body.  It is completely harmless to me.  The only thing is, they check for it so I don't transmit it to the baby during labor.  All this means is they will put me on an antibiotic IV during labor.  So not really that big of a deal...I just hate that my body isn't perfect for her.

•  The doctor is pretty sure she's head down!  This has been something I've been worried about the past few weeks.  At 32 weeks, she was breach.  Breach means a c-section, which I am really trying to avoid.  The past few weeks, I have felt this hard knot at the top of my belly so I've just assumed she has stayed breach and have been mentally preparing myself for that.  She did an exam this morning and said she was pretty confident she is head down (and not butt down).  So that hard knot at the top must be her little butt!  Ha ha!  We'll know for sure Monday if she's head down because...

•   The BIG news is I measured 39 weeks!  WHAT???  Gestationally, I am 36 weeks today.  Crazy!  So because on the fundal height measurement we are measuring more than 2 weeks off, we get to have a growth scan done Monday.  This is so exciting, but also intimidating to me.  I am excited because it means I get to see here again, but also because it means we may be closer than we think to meeting her!  YAY!!!!!!!  It's also intimidating because it means she may be a big girl and because it means we may be closer than we think to meeting her!  

So here is where we are:
Weeks:  36 (measuring 39)
Size:  More than 18.5" long and almost 6 pounds.
Sleep:  I do not sleep.  That's about the long and short of it.  It's God's way of preparing me for when she gets here I think.  I swear I'll sleep more once she's out than I am now!  Ha ha!  Between the intense hip pain and heartburn, sleep is but a thing of the past.  Of course, I wouldn't change it for the world and am grateful this is where we are!
Feeling:  She is a feisty little thing!  All the apps say she should be on a wake schedule in the womb.  HA HA HA!  I laugh at them!  This child does what she wants, when she wants.  Sometimes she moves all day and is quiet at night.  Other times I barely feel her during the day and start to get nervous about it, but then she'll squirm all night long.  And I LOVE feeling her move!  I'm going to miss not having her with me all the time and feeling this wiggles and punches.
Showing:  Well, since we're measuring 39 weeks, I'll go ahead and say YES on this one!  No need for further clarification and there will NOT be a bump picture, either.
Milestone:  Hitting the 36 week mark, which means weekly doctor visits and also that if we were to go into labor at this point, she would be a good size/weight and would hopefully get to come home with me when I get released.  Of course, staying in there a few more weeks is what is ideal, but it's a relief to know she could be delivered safely at this point.

We ask for prayers that God continue to bless this pregnancy and baby and for a safe and healthy delivery for both she and I.  We're incredibly close to the end and I am joyful, excited, emotional, anxious and nervous all rolled into one.  God has blessed Jarren and I beyond words with this gift and I love her so much.  Every time I see  her sweet face on my phone I get choked up with all the love.  I know it only grows stronger!  We have prayed, "Lord, light our path" and that He has done...He has illuminated it! 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

31 Weeks

It's time for yet another update!  We are 31 weeks today and time is still just flying by.  I haven't made a written "list" yet of things to do...but it's in my head.  And it's overwhelming!  And now all of a sudden I hear people talking about a birth plan.  A birth plan?  What the heck is that?  I thought my birth plan was to give birth?  No?  If someone wants to enlighten me on what a birth plan is, feel free.  Because right now my plan is to get this child out safely. 

We've still got about a dozen things to do for her nursery...I need a mattress pad, a rug (ordered one off Pottery Barn last night...everyone cross their fingers with me that it is the right color), a curtain rod/rings, a monogram for over the chest, a mirror for over the dresser, a changing pad, knobs/pulls for the chest, two large rustic/distressed frames...oh my gosh!  The panic is setting in again!  Our goal is to have the nursery finished by Thanksgiving. 

I had my first shower in Birmingham a few weeks ago with Sorority sisters from my days at BAMA.  And this weekend is my large shower here in town for friends and family.  I feel so blessed that so many people care about us and Sarah Bradleigh and want to shower her with love.  How awesome is it to have friends and family that care enough to go out of their way to host and attend a baby shower?  My cup runneth over...

The outpouring of prayers we have received since this whole journey started with our loss in January is overwhelming to say the least.  This child is such a blessing already and I love her more and more each day that passes.  I long to have her in my arms and kiss her precious lips, hold her sweet hands, and tickle those sweet cheeks!

So here is where we are:
Weeks:  31
Size:  At least 16 inches long from head to heel and about 3.5 pounds (the weight of a large coconut).
Sleep:  Still have to take a Zantac every night for heartburn.  Some nights it works, others it doesn't.  It depends on how late I have eaten.  But it is definitely better than before when I didn't have it!
Feeling:  Starting this past Friday through yesterday (Monday) this child moved nonstop!  I'm not even kidding...she would get to going to much that I could watch her move and squirm from the outside.  And J finally felt her (and saw her!!!) move.  She must of flat wore herself out because today I've felt a few "nudges", but that's it.  It always worries me when movement slows down, but I just have to breathe and remember she has active days and slow days.
Showing:  Yes!  And I got my first "insult" (or what I consider a she-should-have-thought-before-she-said-it statement).  A woman in a store asked me how far along I was.  When I said, "almost 31 weeks...so only 9 more to go!" she responded with, "Really?  You look a lot further along than that."  I just smiled politely and said, "Nope - she's measuring right on track!"  People - just THINK before you say something!  When in doubt always reply with, "You look amazing and I bet you're getting excited."  See?  Easy!
Milestone:  I would say Jay finally feeling her this weekend was a huge milestone!  He just hadn't been patient enough to stop and sit for 5 minutes to try.  He normally tries for 15-20 seconds, declares she won't move for him, and then goes on to something else.  This time I waited until she was good and busy and just held my hand over his to keep him still.  He finally looked at me and said, "OK, I definitely felt that!"  I wanted to jump for joy, but he was cool as a cucumber about it.  Get excited, man!!!  It just goes to show that a woman bonds with her baby the moment she sees that heartbeat on an ultrasound.  Then she bonds even further every time she feels her child move.  But for a guy, I think the bonding comes in the firs 24 hours after birth...when he holds his child, smells his child, sees his child.  For us ladies, we experience our child 24 hours a day for 280 days of gestation (if we're lucky).

So with 9 weeks left to go (6 until we're full term), I just ask that you continue to pray with us that she remains healthy and active.  That she is protected and can get to full term.  That we have a safe and healthy delivery.  We appreciate the prayers SO MUCH and are in awe every day of this blessing the Lord has allowed for us.  He is incredible and we give Him every ounce of credit for this miracle!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

29 Week Update

Here we sit at 29 weeks!  One week has passed since the start of the third trimester and things are going great!  Here's a little update of all that has transpired since my 28-week appointment last week:
10/21 - 1-hour glucose test performed at my appointment
10/22 - notified I failed the 1-hour test by one point.  Seriously.  ONE. LITTLE. POINT.
10/23 - 3-hour glucose test.  Oh, so fun!
10/24 - Realized I hadn't felt any significant movement in 18 hours.  Scared this mama to death. I continued to pray and ask for protection for this baby and I knew the Lord was in control, but I was a nervous wreck. Called the doctor and they brought me in for an NST (non stress test). Everything was fine - heart rate was great! As soon as they hooked me up to the belts, she hated being constricted and started kicking like crazy. I swore up and down she hadn't been doing that.  It still scares me just remembering it all.  But God has brought us this far in this miracle journey and we're trusting Him to carry us the rest of the way through.
10/28 - 3D/4D ultrasound where we got to see this baby's precious, beautiful, sweet face!  I know I'm biased, but I seriously have the most beautiful baby.  She is perfect and I fell even more in love.  I still don't think it has sunk in how amazing the experience was!  You can see below...this child is the spitting image of her daddy!  I don't see many of my features yet, but hopefully she'll have a little bit of me in her!

Weeks:  29w 1d
Size:  A Hawaiian pineapple.  During the ultrasound yesterday, she measured at 2lbs 15oz. 
Sleep:  I have discovered Zantac and it is amazing!  One pill before bed has kept my heartburn either completely away, or I wake up only once per night for some milk.  LOVE it!!!  Still get uncomfortable and the hip pain is come and go, but it's all worth it!
Feeling:  Some days she's a karate kid and I feel her movement all day long.  Other days, as mentioned above, I feel very little and it freaks me out.  We noticed yesterday during the scan that she hides behind that placenta a lot (her little face is mushed up against it a lot) so that is really shielding a lot of the movement.  I just have to remind myself of that when I forget the last time I've felt her.
Showing:  Oh, yes!  I'm really trying to avoid buying maternity clothes and just stick with some basics (2 maternity pants, 1 maternity shirt, 2 maternity camis) and then add my cardigans and stuff. I'm going to have to invest in a few more pieces.  Thank goodness for Target and Motherhood, both are very inexpensive!
Milestone:  Her bedding and curtains arrived!  We've picked out a light fixture and have ordered a rug.  It is really all starting to come together.  My mom and I plan to organize her room and really get it finished the Friday after Thanksgiving.  Hopefully then I can post a room reveal.  It's beautiful and exactly how I imagined it. 

Please just continue to pray with us for health and protection for her while she grows.  And also for health for me regarding blood pressure (which I've been able to keep in check on my own, which is great) - preeclampsia is a big fear of mine.  I cry out daily to God in thanks and amazement for His blessings.  I feel so fortunate and this gift from God is the most amazing experience.  Sometimes I cannot grasp how incredibly faithful our God is.  He is good!!!

Friday, October 17, 2014

27 Weeks - the last of the 2nd Trimester

I'll be honest, I have mixed emotions right now.  On one hand, I'm sad that the 2nd Trimester is almost over.  It has been wonderful!  On the other, I'm so excited to keep creeping forward on this journey to meeting our baby girl!  So it is both bitter and sweet to be posting this today.  But I think more sweet...yes, definitely more sweet!

My main concerns lately have been movement.  One day she's kicking like crazy most of the day, and then I'll go a day or two where I have to stop and think about the last time I felt movement.  I know this dang anterior placenta is to blame for most of it, but it makes an already nervous mama that much more nervous!  Couple that with random aches and growing pains (I think that's what these are?) and I've been on a roller coaster of emotions lately.  But enough with that, on to the update!

Weeks:  27 + 3 days
Size:  A bunch of bananas.  She weighs about 2 pounds and is about 14.5 inches long.  She measured tall at the anatomy scan, though, so I'm guessing she's closer to 15 inches at this point.
Sleep:  Same as it has been...hip pain, heart burn and potty trips at night.  I'm not complaining one bit!  I've always been the type that couldn't function unless I had a solid 8-9 hours of sleep at night.  That isn't happening and I'm able to function.  The Lord is preparing me for those first few months and I'm totally OK with that.
Feeling:  When she kicks, they are noticeable now.  No question about it.  And my mom finally felt her move!  Several times...  Jay?  Not so much.  He just isn't patient enough to be still and hold his hand there for 10 minutes.
Showing:  According to Jay, "some days you look really pregnant and others you just look like you need to hit the gym for some crunches."  Thank you, sweetie.  That's what every pregnant woman wants to hear.  The bump is growing big (in my opinion) after not showing for 21 weeks.  And I've managed to put the weight on everywhere - not just out front.  Lovely.  Not sure what my overall weight gain is (I'll find out next week at 28 weeks), but at 24 weeks, it was still 2 pounds under pre-pregnancy weight.  I'm sure this has all been due to cutting out wine.  :)
Milestone:  The room is painted, the crib is assembled, and the furniture has been refinished!  My wonderful parents helped ALL weekend a few weeks ago.  It is really coming together.  The bedding is scheduled to be delivered next week (EEK!!!) and we still need a light fixture (I've found one at RH Baby & Child) and a rug (need some desperate help on this).  I'll do a nursery reveal when it's done and explain all the sweet details that we have incorporated from family heirlooms as well as some new things.  It's really very special!

For now, please just pray with us for protection for this precious child we are in awe of.  God has blessed us every moment of every day with her and we pray for health for both her and me and that she continues cooking at least another 10 weeks!  We appreciate all the prayers from everyone. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

25 Weeks

Gosh time flies by.  Another week down...and only 15 to go!  15 weeks...when I think of how short of a time that is, it blows my mind!  15 weeks ago was July 1st and I was anxious for the First Trimester Screening.  That really doesn't seem that long ago!  Each week that passes is just another step closer to holding our sweet miracle. 

I'm amazed every day at the way God has us knit together.  It's an incredible experience and there is no doubt our Creator has orchestrated all of this to a T.  We are fearfully and wonderfully made.  Wow!!!  And to know the love I have for this little girl is a love I cannot grasp or explain...and God's love for us is infinitely greater.  I love her so much already with every wiggle and bump. 

Jay has yet to feel her move, but I think that's more of his impatience kicking in.  With my anterior placenta (meaning it's on the front of my uterus), it makes it hard for people on the outside to feel her.  I keep telling him he has to keep his hands there for longer than 10 seconds - she doesn't move on command!  I urge things along with chocolate milk, but after a few seconds, he's over it.  Bless him! 

Here's what's going on at Week 25:
Weeks:  25
Size:  An napa cabbage (???) on one app; a rutabaga on the other app.  I'm questioning this so I'll go with measurements I understand:  13.5 inches in length and a little over a pound and a half.
Sleep:  Between the trips to the bathroom, the heartburn, and my hips killing me every time there's a growth spurt, I don't sleep in long spurts.  But that's OK!  I think it's God's way of preparing me for what lies ahead.
Feeling:  Bumps and Thumps every day.  Some days are less than others and I'll be honest.  Those days freak me out.  The days where there is constant movement I'm fine.  But then the days where I'm not feeling as much make me nervous something is wrong. 
Showing:  According to Jay, "she's really poking out now, isn't she?"  Thank you, honey.  Yes, yes she is.
Milestone:  The crib was delivered Saturday and we assembled it ourselves in less than an hour with no fights and very minimal bad words.  Woo hoo!  It's sweet and precious and I can't wait to have everything put together.

Please continue to pray for Baby Girl as she cooks in there.  And prayers for mama (me) for continued good health and no complications.  Every prayer is felt and appreciated - so thank you!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

24 Weeks

Wow! Where has the time gone?  I can't believe we are already at 24 weeks.  Time is flying by!  We have to kick it in high gear to get ready for this blessing to arrive in just 3.5 short months.  We have ordered a crib and her bedding and that's about it!  I'm excited to do a room reveal when it's all complete.  A lot of stuff is new, but a lot is also revitalized furniture from our families that is sentimental to us.  So we're blending the old and the new - and it is involving a LOT of time, paint, stain, sanding, etc.  I had my 24-week appointment and all looks good.  Baby Girl's heart rate is 152 and my BP has (praise the Lord) done great - 118/70 today!  We are giving all the glory to God for this miracle, the miracle of health, of her, and of this exciting time.  I go through periods where I'm scared to death - scared of delivery, scared of the epidural, scared of taking care of a tiny human.  But God has walked with us this entire journey, and His promises are that He will continue with us.  Our hope for this baby is that she will be kind, and good, and caring and will accept Chris for herself one day. 
So here's what she (and I) have been up to since our last post:
Weeks:  24
Size:  An eggplant from head to rump!
Sleep:  Sleep?  Ha!  I get it if I take a Benadryl first.  But even then it's not constant.  Mainly becuase of the awesome heartburn that plagues me at night!
Feeling:  Flutters, no more.  Now I feel bumps and thumps!  They're so sweet!!!  I didn't know what they were at first, but now there's no doubt.  She's quite active!  I do have an anterior placenta, which keeps me from feeling as much movement as other mamas, but I know she's in there now!
Also, and this is TMI, but "lightning crotch" started yesterday.  Freaked me out!  Don't know what that is?  Be glad - and just Google it!  :)
Showing:  Oh, yeah!  It's a LOT bigger in the afternoon/evening than the morning but there's no buttoning pre-pregnancy clothes anymore.  I have 2 pairs of maternity pants and there are more on the way that I've ordered online.  Thank goodness flowy tops are in right now because all my shirts still fit for the most part.
Milestone:  Got a clean bill of health on her at our 20-week anatomy scan.  Praise God!  We do know she's going to likely be tall (long femur measurement) and she has my feet!  :)

Your prayers are always appreciated for continued protection over her as she cooks away, and also for us - for our peace of mind and for me to continue to be healthy for her.