Wednesday, October 29, 2014

29 Week Update

Here we sit at 29 weeks!  One week has passed since the start of the third trimester and things are going great!  Here's a little update of all that has transpired since my 28-week appointment last week:
10/21 - 1-hour glucose test performed at my appointment
10/22 - notified I failed the 1-hour test by one point.  Seriously.  ONE. LITTLE. POINT.
10/23 - 3-hour glucose test.  Oh, so fun!
10/24 - Realized I hadn't felt any significant movement in 18 hours.  Scared this mama to death. I continued to pray and ask for protection for this baby and I knew the Lord was in control, but I was a nervous wreck. Called the doctor and they brought me in for an NST (non stress test). Everything was fine - heart rate was great! As soon as they hooked me up to the belts, she hated being constricted and started kicking like crazy. I swore up and down she hadn't been doing that.  It still scares me just remembering it all.  But God has brought us this far in this miracle journey and we're trusting Him to carry us the rest of the way through.
10/28 - 3D/4D ultrasound where we got to see this baby's precious, beautiful, sweet face!  I know I'm biased, but I seriously have the most beautiful baby.  She is perfect and I fell even more in love.  I still don't think it has sunk in how amazing the experience was!  You can see below...this child is the spitting image of her daddy!  I don't see many of my features yet, but hopefully she'll have a little bit of me in her!

Weeks:  29w 1d
Size:  A Hawaiian pineapple.  During the ultrasound yesterday, she measured at 2lbs 15oz. 
Sleep:  I have discovered Zantac and it is amazing!  One pill before bed has kept my heartburn either completely away, or I wake up only once per night for some milk.  LOVE it!!!  Still get uncomfortable and the hip pain is come and go, but it's all worth it!
Feeling:  Some days she's a karate kid and I feel her movement all day long.  Other days, as mentioned above, I feel very little and it freaks me out.  We noticed yesterday during the scan that she hides behind that placenta a lot (her little face is mushed up against it a lot) so that is really shielding a lot of the movement.  I just have to remind myself of that when I forget the last time I've felt her.
Showing:  Oh, yes!  I'm really trying to avoid buying maternity clothes and just stick with some basics (2 maternity pants, 1 maternity shirt, 2 maternity camis) and then add my cardigans and stuff. I'm going to have to invest in a few more pieces.  Thank goodness for Target and Motherhood, both are very inexpensive!
Milestone:  Her bedding and curtains arrived!  We've picked out a light fixture and have ordered a rug.  It is really all starting to come together.  My mom and I plan to organize her room and really get it finished the Friday after Thanksgiving.  Hopefully then I can post a room reveal.  It's beautiful and exactly how I imagined it. 

Please just continue to pray with us for health and protection for her while she grows.  And also for health for me regarding blood pressure (which I've been able to keep in check on my own, which is great) - preeclampsia is a big fear of mine.  I cry out daily to God in thanks and amazement for His blessings.  I feel so fortunate and this gift from God is the most amazing experience.  Sometimes I cannot grasp how incredibly faithful our God is.  He is good!!!

Friday, October 17, 2014

27 Weeks - the last of the 2nd Trimester

I'll be honest, I have mixed emotions right now.  On one hand, I'm sad that the 2nd Trimester is almost over.  It has been wonderful!  On the other, I'm so excited to keep creeping forward on this journey to meeting our baby girl!  So it is both bitter and sweet to be posting this today.  But I think more sweet...yes, definitely more sweet!

My main concerns lately have been movement.  One day she's kicking like crazy most of the day, and then I'll go a day or two where I have to stop and think about the last time I felt movement.  I know this dang anterior placenta is to blame for most of it, but it makes an already nervous mama that much more nervous!  Couple that with random aches and growing pains (I think that's what these are?) and I've been on a roller coaster of emotions lately.  But enough with that, on to the update!

Weeks:  27 + 3 days
Size:  A bunch of bananas.  She weighs about 2 pounds and is about 14.5 inches long.  She measured tall at the anatomy scan, though, so I'm guessing she's closer to 15 inches at this point.
Sleep:  Same as it has been...hip pain, heart burn and potty trips at night.  I'm not complaining one bit!  I've always been the type that couldn't function unless I had a solid 8-9 hours of sleep at night.  That isn't happening and I'm able to function.  The Lord is preparing me for those first few months and I'm totally OK with that.
Feeling:  When she kicks, they are noticeable now.  No question about it.  And my mom finally felt her move!  Several times...  Jay?  Not so much.  He just isn't patient enough to be still and hold his hand there for 10 minutes.
Showing:  According to Jay, "some days you look really pregnant and others you just look like you need to hit the gym for some crunches."  Thank you, sweetie.  That's what every pregnant woman wants to hear.  The bump is growing big (in my opinion) after not showing for 21 weeks.  And I've managed to put the weight on everywhere - not just out front.  Lovely.  Not sure what my overall weight gain is (I'll find out next week at 28 weeks), but at 24 weeks, it was still 2 pounds under pre-pregnancy weight.  I'm sure this has all been due to cutting out wine.  :)
Milestone:  The room is painted, the crib is assembled, and the furniture has been refinished!  My wonderful parents helped ALL weekend a few weeks ago.  It is really coming together.  The bedding is scheduled to be delivered next week (EEK!!!) and we still need a light fixture (I've found one at RH Baby & Child) and a rug (need some desperate help on this).  I'll do a nursery reveal when it's done and explain all the sweet details that we have incorporated from family heirlooms as well as some new things.  It's really very special!

For now, please just pray with us for protection for this precious child we are in awe of.  God has blessed us every moment of every day with her and we pray for health for both her and me and that she continues cooking at least another 10 weeks!  We appreciate all the prayers from everyone.