The post title stands for 1 Day Past IUI. That's how I'll title most of them until we know something.
The procedure was yesterday morning and I just tried to have more of a peace about it than last time. Jay and I prayed together before going in.
The NP (Nurse Practitioner) still thinks I've ovulated on the left side and that side had the most mature follicle and egg. We knew Monday that there was a little one on the right, but we can't tell if it did anything. I'm still petrified of another ectopic, but we just have to continue to pray for God's will in this and for no complications.
I got up yesterday morning and went ahead and did an ovulation test (I've been doing them since Friday). When you are doing fertility treatments, you do your OV test at night instead of the morning, but since we knew we were doing it, I went ahead and tested to see if the trigger shot had boosted my LH surge. As you can see in the pic below, it was very light - same as the night before. The top test was Monday night and middle was yesterday morning. I was a little discouraged, but they know what they're doing at the doctor's office and my blood work revealed a surge. Blood testing is always more accurate than a POAS test. Yesterday evening, though, was another story. The test had a resounding positive! YEA!!! It is the bottom test in the picture below.
I am having some mild "dull pinching" type cramping right now on my right side. This could be one of three things:
1. It is the opposite effect meaning sensations are felt on the opposite side of the body from where they are occurring. If this is the case, my mind is wandering toward I hope the egg is not implanting in my tube.
2. The right ovary is a little behind and is actually releasing an egg, which just doubles our changes of it working.
3. Absolutely nothing and my brain is playing tricks on me.
I'm hoping for Option 2!!!
Other than being tired from the HCG trigger shot and staying in bed all day yesterday, nothing else feels out of the norm. I will start the Progesterone supplements by Friday.
Next round of blood work is Monday, 4/28. This will just be to check hormone levels, particularly progesterone. Until then, prayers are always appreciated!
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