It's time for yet another update! We are 31 weeks today and time is still just flying by. I haven't made a written "list" yet of things to do...but it's in my head. And it's overwhelming! And now all of a sudden I hear people talking about a birth plan. A birth plan? What the heck is that? I thought my birth plan was to give birth? No? If someone wants to enlighten me on what a birth plan is, feel free. Because right now my plan is to get this child out safely.
We've still got about a dozen things to do for her nursery...I need a mattress pad, a rug (ordered one off Pottery Barn last night...everyone cross their fingers with me that it is the right color), a curtain rod/rings, a monogram for over the chest, a mirror for over the dresser, a changing pad, knobs/pulls for the chest, two large rustic/distressed frames...oh my gosh! The panic is setting in again! Our goal is to have the nursery finished by Thanksgiving.
I had my first shower in Birmingham a few weeks ago with Sorority sisters from my days at BAMA. And this weekend is my large shower here in town for friends and family. I feel so blessed that so many people care about us and Sarah Bradleigh and want to shower her with love. How awesome is it to have friends and family that care enough to go out of their way to host and attend a baby shower? My cup runneth over...
The outpouring of prayers we have received since this whole journey started with our loss in January is overwhelming to say the least. This child is such a blessing already and I love her more and more each day that passes. I long to have her in my arms and kiss her precious lips, hold her sweet hands, and tickle those sweet cheeks!
So here is where we are:
Weeks: 31
Size: At least 16 inches long from head to heel and about 3.5 pounds (the weight of a large coconut).
Sleep: Still have to take a Zantac every night for heartburn. Some nights it works, others it doesn't. It depends on how late I have eaten. But it is definitely better than before when I didn't have it!
Feeling: Starting this past Friday through yesterday (Monday) this child moved nonstop! I'm not even kidding...she would get to going to much that I could watch her move and squirm from the outside. And J finally felt her (and saw her!!!) move. She must of flat wore herself out because today I've felt a few "nudges", but that's it. It always worries me when movement slows down, but I just have to breathe and remember she has active days and slow days.
Showing: Yes! And I got my first "insult" (or what I consider a she-should-have-thought-before-she-said-it statement). A woman in a store asked me how far along I was. When I said, "almost 31 only 9 more to go!" she responded with, "Really? You look a lot further along than that." I just smiled politely and said, "Nope - she's measuring right on track!" People - just THINK before you say something! When in doubt always reply with, "You look amazing and I bet you're getting excited." See? Easy!
Milestone: I would say Jay finally feeling her this weekend was a huge milestone! He just hadn't been patient enough to stop and sit for 5 minutes to try. He normally tries for 15-20 seconds, declares she won't move for him, and then goes on to something else. This time I waited until she was good and busy and just held my hand over his to keep him still. He finally looked at me and said, "OK, I definitely felt that!" I wanted to jump for joy, but he was cool as a cucumber about it. Get excited, man!!! It just goes to show that a woman bonds with her baby the moment she sees that heartbeat on an ultrasound. Then she bonds even further every time she feels her child move. But for a guy, I think the bonding comes in the firs 24 hours after birth...when he holds his child, smells his child, sees his child. For us ladies, we experience our child 24 hours a day for 280 days of gestation (if we're lucky).
So with 9 weeks left to go (6 until we're full term), I just ask that you continue to pray with us that she remains healthy and active. That she is protected and can get to full term. That we have a safe and healthy delivery. We appreciate the prayers SO MUCH and are in awe every day of this blessing the Lord has allowed for us. He is incredible and we give Him every ounce of credit for this miracle!