The title says it all. I'm so behind...behind on EVERYTHING! We have not purchased anything. I take that back...we've purchased 2 outfits and 1 pack of diapers. That's it. We haven't painted. We haven't purchased bedding. We haven't purchased a crib. We haven't refinished the furniture we're using. We haven't registered. I can feel my BP rising just typing it all out. Oh my gosh!!!
And since I already made it Facebook official, I'll go ahead and ad that...
Holy cow! You read that right! You should have seen both of our faces when the tech told us at 15 weeks that what we had been told at 12 weeks by Dr. G (he's someone I was seeing for a 1st and 2nd trimester screening), which was a boy, was wrong. Especially poor Hubs. His jaw about hit the floor. He was excited, but shell shocked to say the least. So we're trucking along, planning for Baby Girl to make her debut in (eeeek!!!) less than 5 months.
Here's where we are:
Weeks: 19 (plus 2 days)
Size: A mango from crown to rump. And hopefully just as sweet!
Sleep: Still struggling with side sleeping. I hate it. I wake up 10 times per night because the arm of whichever side I'm sleeping on has gone totally numb.
Feeling: Movement! I finally felt the "flutter" on Friday night. Just propped up in bed watching some TV before going to sleep and I felt a tickle. I muted the TV for a sec to be sure and there it was again! A light tickle right where her feet had been the day before. It was incredible! I don't feel her often, but every once in a while I get that little flutter feeling and just grin. :)
Showing: I officially "popped"! I woke up Saturday morning just shy of the 19 weeks mark and couldn't button my pants for the first time. When I looked in the mirror, there it was. A sweet little bump. Still not in maternity clothes, but I feel like that will have to change in the next week. I'm getting by on maxi skirts and dresses right now.
Milestone: Announced the gender after the fourth confirmation. Yes, four. I guess I just didn't believe it.
I continue to just be in awe of God's grace and abundance in this experience. He has blessed us beyond our comprehension. If you will join us, we've been praying specifically for a good anatomy scan on August 26th and also for continued help in managing my blood pressure without medication. Preeclampsia is my biggest fear in all this. So join us in continuing to pray for a healthy babe and healthy mama!